
Removing Stains from Laminate Flooring

Removing Stains from Laminate Flooring

Removing Stains from Laminate Flooring

Laminate flooring is generally very resilient, durable and low maintenance, but there are some stains and spills that require a little extra attention. Here’s our quick guide to how to deal with some of the most common spills and stains that might affect your laminate flooring:

  • Blood – If you have children then you’ll know that cuts and scrapes are just a way of life as they grow! If any blood ever ends up on your laminate flooring then the best way to deal with it is to use window cleaner. Spray a small amount onto the stained area and wipe away immediately with a warm, mildly damp microfibre cloth.
  • Chewing gum – In the event of chewing gum becoming stuck to your laminate flooring, carefully scrape away as much as possible with a plastic or silicone knife. Gently rub away any residue with a soft cloth, dampened with some white spirit.
  • Nail/shoe polish – If nail polish or shoe polish accidentally get spilled on your laminate flooring, simply take a microfibre cloth, dampen with a little acetone nail polish remover and gently scrub until the stain comes up. Once the stain is removed, wipe the area with a clean, damp cloth to remove the acetone residue.
  • Crayon/ink/wine/soda – All of these stains can be removed by using a mildly damp microfibre cloth. For stains of this nature that prove to be a little more stubborn try applying a little white spirit to the area to lift the stain.
  • Heel marks – Scuffs and marks from rubber heels can leave flack patches on your laminate. However they can easily be removed with a regular pencil eraser.
  • Grease – In the event of a grease spill start by applying an ice pack to the area until the grease hardens. Once it has hardened you can scrape it away using a plastic or silicone knife or spatula. When you’ve removed as much as you can, apply a few squirts of window cleaner to the area and gently rub with a damp cloth to remove the greasy residue.

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